Training Modules


Building Resilience

Building resilience is a goal in emergency management. It helps to create stronger individuals, communities, and ecosystems that can withstand and better manage when an emergency event happens.

Open Module


A Step Ahead: Mitigation, Prevention & Preparedness

“Weynensaago gayoozhitoaan…”

(Whatever you are going to make…)

“…weyweynud gaabadaksidoon.”

(…build it well, build it right.)

These are the words of Elder Barney Batise’s dad when setting up the tent for the family to live in. “If you don’t build it right, we’ll all suffer.”

Open Module


Coming Soon

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Open Module

Module Four

Build Back Stronger: Recovery

Every emergency event requires some form of recovery. There are physical, social, spiritual, emotional, environmental, and financial impacts that must be considered. Depending on the severity of the event, the recovery process can take weeks, months, or even years. When recovery is managed well it helps prevent further harm and helps to build stronger, more resilient people and communities. It is a healing process, and simply cannot be an afterthought.

Open Module